Here are a few questions you may want to ask yourself, to help determine if you have any symptoms:
Do you get an unusual amount of headaches? | YES | NO |
Do you have a grating, clicking or popping sound in either or both jaw joints, when you chew or open and close your mouth? | YES | NO |
Do you have pain or soreness in any of the following areas: jaw joints, upper jaw, lower jaw, side of neck, back of head, forehead, behind the eyes or temples? | YES | NO |
Do you have sensations of stuffiness, pressure or blockage in your ears? Is there excessive wax buildup? | YES | NO |
Do you ever have ringing, roaring, hissing or buzzing sounds in your ears? | YES | NO |
Do you ever feel dizzy or faint? | YES | NO |
Do your fingers, hands or arms sometimes tingle or go numb? | YES | NO |
Are you tired all the time, fatigue easily or consider yourself chronically fatigued? | YES | NO |
Are there imprints of your teeth on the sides of your tongue? | YES | NO |
Does your tongue go between your teeth when you swallow? | YES | NO |
Do you have difficulty in chewing your food? | YES | NO |
Do you have any missing back teeth? | YES | NO |
Do you clench your teeth during the day or at night? | YES | NO |
Do you grind your teeth at night? (Ask your family.) | YES | NO |
Do you ever awaken with a headache? | YES | NO |
Have you ever had a whiplash injury? | YES | NO |
Have you ever experienced a blow to the chin, face or head? | YES | NO |
Have you reached the point where drugs no longer relieve your symptoms? | YES | NO |
Does chewing gum worsen your symptoms? | YES | NO |
Is it painful to stick your "pinky" fingers into your ears with your mouth open wide and then close your mouth while pressing forward with your "pinky" fingers? | YES | NO |
Does your jaw slide to the left or right when you open wide? (Look in a mirror.) | YES | NO |
Are you unable to insert your first three fingers vertically into your mouth when it is open wide? | YES | NO |
Is your face crooked and not symmetrical? | YES | NO |