Bruxism refers to the grinding and clenching of teeth. There's a twist though, this grinding and clenching often occurs at night while you sleep. Chances are you don't even know you're doing it! As with many problems that occur during sleep, grinding and clenching often goes unnoticed until a spouse or partner hears the grinding at night or damage is detected by your dentist.
Factors that cause or provoke Bruxism include:Studies suggest that the problem is often increased with the consumption of caffeine and alcohol. Bruxism can lead to dental problems including chipping, hot and cold sensitivity, damage to dental work and more serious scenarios.
Signs of Bruxism include:Bruxism can be treated or reduced through relaxation techniques, change in dietary habits and in more severe cases with a custom fitted appliance.
If you grind or clench your teeth, ask Dr. Freedman about reducing or eliminating the problem. Your teeth as well as your spouse will thank you.