As winter comes to an end, March is a time when many of us look forward to unwinding, exploring, and enjoying the wonders of nature.
This month, don't forget to set your clocks forward for Daylight Saving Time on March 10th. Let's take a moment to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th. This year's theme, "Inspire Inclusion" emphasizes the importance of creating a world where every woman feels a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.
In this month's article, we'd like to focus on "5 Tips for a Squeaky Clean Smile". Read our article to stay informed about the importance of establishing a proper dental routine. If you have any questions about your oral health, book an appointment with us today to chat with our dental team.
Take good care of yourself and have a great beginning to Spring,
Dr. Lawrence Freedman
Bloor Dental Health Centre