Bloor Dental Health Centre

415 Bloor Street West
Suite 300
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1X6

Phone: (416) 538-8883
Fax: (416) 538-9906



Office Hours
10am - 7pm
8:30am - 5pm
9am - 6pm


8:30am - 5pm
8:30am - 2pm



Has your smile dulled over the years?
Have years of drinking coffee, tea or soft drinks left your teeth stained and discoloured?

Fortunately, dentistry has a solution for your yellowing teeth. Tooth whitening has become a popular exercise with the rise of personal appearance television shows and over the counter solutions.

What are some causes of Tooth Discolouration?

Drinking Coffee, Tea, Wine or Soft Drinks - stains teeth

Natural Aging - the dentin underneath the enamel of a tooth darkens

Smoking or any Tobacco Use - stains teeth

Accidents - a dead nerve will darken a tooth

Root Canal Therapy
- the lack of natural nourishment from the will darken a tooth

Is Whitening Safe?
Tooth Whitening is a mild whitening process that restores stained or discoloured teeth to a healthy, natural colour. Our office uses an advanced procedure that is not available over the counter.

Whitening is very safe. We use a product that has been proven safe when used under the direction of a dentist.

Is Whitening For You?
We will evaluate your teeth and smile with you, to determine whether whitening is right for you. Sometimes we may recommend a different cosmetic procedure which would better meet your expectations.

What Is The Whitening Process?
If you opt for a take-home system, we will make impressions of your teeth and create custom whitening trays to fit your mouth. These trays will guide the whitening agent to the areas of your teeth that need to be whitened. We will record the current colour of your teeth to help you monitor your progress.

We will instruct you on how to apply the whitening agent to your trays and how to insert them into your mouth. The trays can be worn while you sleep or during the day. The clear, custom-fitted trays are barely visible and do not interfere with your ability to speak.

If a whiter and brighter smile is needed immediately, the Zoom (laser) whitening will whiten your teeth up to 7 to 10 shades lighter within 2 hours of beginning the procedure. The procedure is done in the dental office under careful supervision.

When Will I See Results?
Immediately! Most patients see results after the first night. The time it will take depends on the original colour of your teeth, how discoloured they were, and how frequently the treatment is applied.

How Long Will The Results Last?
The effects typically last several years. Many patients choose to "touch-up" their teeth every 6 to 12 months by applying the treatment for 1 or 2 nights. "Touch-ups" are especially useful for patients that drink beverages that stain teeth, like coffee and tea.

Are There Any Side-Effects?

Some patients may experience heightened tooth sensitivity or mild tooth or gum sensitivity during treatment, but these symptoms are only temporary and disappear within a few days after the treatment is finished.

Feel free to ask us about professional tooth whitening as well as over the counter agents. We’d be happy to compare treatments and help you decide which treatment will be most effective for you.